Essential fatty acids are molecules that cannot be synthesized by the human body but are vital for normal metabolism. Omega 3 fatty acids are one of two families of essential fatty acids. They are referred to as essential fatty acids because they have the ability to promote long-term cardiovascular health, yet the body can’t make them from scratch. Omega 3 fatty acids must be obtained through certain foods oromega fatty acid supplements .
Why does our body need omega 3 fatty acids?
The body is continuously repairing itself from cellular damage. In order to do this, it needs a generous supply of polyunsaturated fats from essential fatty acids capable of constructing cell membranes that are elastic, functional and strong. Having a generous supply allows the heart to effortlessly return to a normal resting state.
The American Heart Association has conducted extensive research that links omega 3 fatty acids to a decreased risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats), decreased triglyceride levels, slower growth rate of atheroslecortic plaque and lower blood pressure. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, omega 3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be vital to cognitive and behavioral function.
Omega 3 fatty acids may also be used for:
- High Cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Skin Disorders
- Inflammatory Bowl Disease
- Asthma
- Menstrual Pain
- Colon Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
What is the minimum daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids?
A minimum daily intake of 1.6grams/day for men and 1.1 grams/day for women is needed in order to prevent disease resulting from deficiency. Three ounces of salmon contains roughly 1.991 grams of omega 3 fatty acids so consuming a salmon filet is a great way to reach this daily minimum. Symptoms of deficiency include acne, cardiovascular disorders, aging, heart disease, hypertension, psoriasis, prostate cancer, schizophrenia, mental illness, lupus, vision disorders, and depression.
What foods contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids?
There are three main omega 3 fatty acids commonly referred to as EPA, DHA and ALA. EPA and DHA are mainly found in oily fish, while ALA is found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and leafy vegetables.
The following foods are considered a good source of omega 3 fatty acids:
- Salmon
- Mackerel
- Tuna
- Halibut
- Algae and Krill
- Grass Fed Lamb
- Nut oils
- Flax seeds
- Kiwi fruit
- Walnuts
- Hemp

Why do bodybuilders need more omega 3 fatty acids in their diet?
Omega 3 fatty acids are particularly important for bodybuilders because they assist the liver in breaking down proteinfrom your diet to build muscle. Essential fatty acids also aid in muscle growth by enhancing testosterone levels, protecting joints while body building and increasing energy levels. EFA supplements, such as omega 3 fish oil or omega 3 flax seed oil , are strongly recommended for people on a low fat diet because energy level will significantly decrease if there is not enough unsaturated fat in your diet. Even if your diet is adequate, essential fatty acid supplements are a great way to improve overall health, enhance testosterone levels, protect joints, boost energy, and reduce recovery periods after workouts.
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