- Liver tumors
- Jaundice
- Fluid retention
- Enlargement of the heart
- High blood pressure
- Atherosclerosis
- Elevated cholesterol levels
- Heart palpitations
- Heart attach
- Kidney stones
- Kidney disease
- Infertility
- Hallucinations
- Depression
Natural supplements are a safer way to increase energy, build muscle and help your muscles recover faster. There are many different kinds of natural supplements and each has specific benefits. For example, creatine supplements are known to increase strength, performance and muscular endurance. Creatine plays a key role in the transfer of energy to the muscles by converting to phospocreatine, which allows the body to produce more ATP. There is significant scientific evidence that short term creatine use can increase maximum power and performance in high-intensity anaerobic repetitive work by 5 to 15%. Current studies indicate that both short term and long term creatine supplementation is safe and may even improve your health.
Nitric oxide supplements are also a safe and effective way to increase energy, size and strength. This natural chemical compound improves muscular fullness and protects the heart through increased blood flow, vasodilatation and oxygen delivery. As natural nitric oxide supplements move oxygen into your muscles they spark powerful muscle growth. To further benefit your body, nitric oxide opens the blood vessels to allow more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the muscle tissue.
Whey protein, the highest quality protein supplement, provides the body with the necessary building blocks to produce the amino acids needed for muscle growth. Whey protein powders are a great alternative to artificial anabolic steroids. Scientific research proves the positive effect of whey protein on the body’s immune system, which is the opposite of anabolic steroids that have a negative effect. Whey protein is the richest known source of naturally occurring branched chain amino acids which are imperative components of muscle repair and growth.
Herbal supplements are also a great alternative to anabolic steroids. All natural herbal supplements, such as acai, cayenne and dandelion root, are beneficial to your health, energy level and body composition. Herbal supplements exists how nature intended them to be and are free of toxic chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. The superfood acai contains potassium, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, proteins and several vitamins, as well the most antioxidants of any fruit or vegetables. Acai is not only nutritious, it also helps reduce injuries and speeds up recovery time, which makes it a perfect addition to any bodybuilder’s diet.
Creatine, nitric oxide, whey protein and acai are just a few of the many healthy and safe alternatives to anabolic steroids. When deciding between anabolic steroids or natural supplements, consider the long term effect on your body.
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